Her Story About the His Story of the First Woman's Church
Like many churches, First Woman's Church (FWC) came into existence to meet needs that were not being met elsewhere, particularly those of its founding pastor, Rev. Dr. Crystal Clarity Bujol. A licensed practitioner and Board member of the International Church of Religious Science throughout from 1970 - 1979, Rev. Bujol ultimately came to the realization that she was ready to go farther than Religious Science could take her. One of her colleagues said, "Religious Science was moving too slow for you, so you branched out and formed your own religion!"
As InnerCircle continued, female images and experiences were appropriated and affirmed as much as possible in a mixed congregational setting. Finally, though, Rev. Bujol's husband said to her, "You need a Woman's Church." She recalls seeing the wealth in such an idea and agreeing, but saying, "Maybe in six months or so," to which he replied, "No! Right now." Trying to stall for time to develop, organize, and implement, she agreed to call Dr. Vera Epps-Riley, the "Grand Dean" of InnerCircle University and chairperson of its Board. Vera had that very morning asked her not to implement anything new for their small and over active church circle. Rev. Crystal had agreed to that request. Thinking Very would wisely suggested that she wait, Rev. Crystal asked her opinion. However, the tactic backfired when Dr. Epps-Riley said, "Can we start this Sunday?"
Although the new woman-only church did not start that Sunday, Rev. Bujol quickly developed a bulletin, a logo, another verse for the Lady's Prayer, and the exquisite candle-lighting ceremony that remains the central ritual of the church and in the next three weeks, February 1986, thirty-five women attended the first service of the First Woman's Church to honor, The First Woman: Lucy to some, Denk Nesh to others. Thus, The First Woman's Church in the Los Angeles (the City of Angels) was born. The whole experience was akin to painting a piece of art where the picture is worth 1000 words, or more, and more! At this home in Los Angeles, the First Woman lives on and the world awakens to that which makes us human - the Divine Woman Within.
Her-storical and current first woman's church chapters
Rev. Dr. Crystal C. Bujol, D.S.S., Founder 1980 met at the Elegant Manor, L.A., CA
Rev. Dr. A. Hasani Perry, National Pastor
First Woman's Church in the City of Angels,Mother Church
Woman's Spiritual Center, moved from 3860 Crenshaw Blvd., Suite 228, LA, CA 90008
Rev. Betty Robinson, Pastor
Sister Chapters
Berkeley Bay Chapter
Met every 2nd Saturday at 10 a.m. On Bonita at the Unitarian Church, Berkeley, CA Rev. Dr. Elaine Armour-Word, Minister in the Bay
Isis Chapter met every 1st Sunday at 8:30 a.m on East 55th Street, L. A. CA 90011 - Rev. Margaret Tate, Pastor
Hathor Chapter met 1st & 3rd Sundays 10 a.m. at The Latest Thing, on 17th St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627 - Rev. Dr. Crystal C. Bujol, D.S.S., Pastor
The Nepthys Chapter meets 1st and 3rd Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. at the Unity Church, 879 43rd Avenue, Vero Beach, Florida – Rev. Dr. Crystal C. Bujol, Founder, Betsy Crystal Rose, Facilitator